When you find drinking a Slurpee to just be too easy and would much prefer to chew it, 7-Eleven's got something that's right up your alley.

I pass a 7-Eleven on my way to work each and every morning, and I've never thought to stop by for breakfast. To me, their food has always occupied a very specific niche. I eat 7-Eleven food under these specific conditions:

  1. It's after 10PM.
  2. I'm starving.
  3. I'm already inside of a 7-Eleven.

Not that there's anything wrong with food that hangs out rotating for a few hours a day (in fact, I often enjoy the food way more than I would ever reasonably expect to), but it's just never been my first choice. That being said, this is an intriguing concept: a Slurpee donut. I'm a sucker for Slurpees, man.

According to BrandEatingthe chain is releasing a cake donut covered in icing meant to taste like the wild cherry variety of Slurpee, with a pinkish hue on the inside.

That's all well-and-good, but what about the blue raspberry Slurpee flavor? That's where the money is. C'mon 7-Eleven, let's go.