Every few weeks we get together to have a discussion about whether or not these places are truly haunted or not. Each place listed has had rumors of haunting or of people believe it to be haunted. Only you can decide if it really is haunted or not.

Here are a few new Hudson Valley places to check out. As always, make sure in advance that these places are open to the public. Plus, if you scare easily (like myself) make sure to bring a friend with you and maybe a change of underwear, just in case.

  • Poughkeepsie Reformed Dutch Church. There are rumors that the former caretaker taps his fingers on his old desk or that he can be heard walking and jingling his keys. Have you ever heard this?
  • Miss Fanny's Victorian Party House in Wappingers Falls. This place has been featured on several TV shows as a house that is haunted. They also hold seance and other types of parties there on a regular basis. If you are looking to connect with someone 'on the other side' this might be a place for you to investigate.
  • Newburgh Masonic Temple, 48 Grand Street, Newburgh. The legend is that, late one night, a student who was in the temple, witnessed a chair sliding across the room, by itself, along with men's voices that could be heard at random. Over the last 20 years, the building has some crazy history with an alleged cult leader, named Justin Sterling, buying the property and then holding 'gatherings' that cost $650-750. In 2008, Orange County looked into purchasing the building to join the SUNY network. It is currently in the hands of Orange County, no word if the building is open to the public or if the 'haunting' can be substantiated.