Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, Algiers is KILLER. They're called American Experimental, or Post-Punk Gospel, or even Soul-Punk.

I couldn't care less about what you call them as long as you listen. "Black Eunuch" is a song that feels like it could be on 3 different types of radio stations, while being on a Target commercial and being played in a hipster dance party.

You want to clap along, you want to sing along to the choral background and you want to jump up and dance when verse kicks in all the way.

The only have one release so far, from Matador Records back in 2015, so hopefully we'll see something new from the band by the end of this year. They previously opened for Interpol and I'd love to catch the band on their next go round of touring.

Seriously. Invest in this album. It's not like most things you've heard before.