Forget picnic baskets, a black bear was apparently looking to party when it broke into a popular Hudson Valley liquor store.

The Daily Freeman reports that the liquor store's owner was baffled when he found the glass door to his business completely smashed to pieces last Thursday. At first he wasn't sure if it was a robbery or some sort of accident, but was shocked to find out what really happened after several eyewitnesses came forward.

The break-in happened at Phoenicia Wines and Liquors last week, but the perpetrator wasn't a thief or vandal, it was a black bear. Eyewitnesses say the bear was frightened and fled down Main Street when a car turned towards the animal, scaring it even more. The black bear made a quick turn and went right through the front door of the liquor store.

Apparently, the animalhad no interest in booze and quickly left the store out of the same opening it had made going in. There was some blood and fur left at the scene, and although the exact fate of the bear isn't known, it escaped all by itself.