In an attempt to show off the great new features and ease of use of BlackBerry's new Priv phone, the company's CEO decided to give a demonstration. It's a little rough.

Over the past five years, BlackBerry has gone from a ubiquitous presence in the world of smart phones (remember when such devices were commonly referred to as "Blackberries" in the same way all bandages are casually called "Band-Aids" and tissues are reflexively called "Kleenex"?) to being an also-ran. I'll bet a lot of you saw the headline and thought "They're still in business?"

Yup. Unfortunately, at this point, their use seems to be limited to businessmen who hate change and refuse to make the jump to Samsung or Apple because it would require them to learn an all new operating system/device. Give them a break; they finally just got the hang of refreshing their email or whatever.

But now they're hoping to make a big comeback in the form of the Priv--what "Priv" is actually supposed to mean is anyone's guess. No, seriously, you'll see in the video that even the CEO isn't quite sure what word it's supposed to be abbreviating.

Throughout the course of the video, in addition to bungling the explanation of the name, John Chen struggles to do such basic things as open Chrome and identify the operating system (continually referring to Android as "Google,").

Jeez, we couldn't get one of the tech guys or PR people to give a demonstration? Or is John Chen the only employee BlackBerry has left.