Everyone is looking for a magic book to turn into a tv series these days.  It's kind of impressive the sheer number of books they're coming up with.

The BBC nabbed a book that I read years ago, and freaking loved. The title is "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell", and it's an alternate history type of book where a few magicians square off. One being the prototypical proper english gentleman, and the other note.

Anyways, I'm sorry to say there's no dragons, no red wedding and no naked Emilia Clarke, as far as I know. Still, it's the BBC, and as the anglophile that I am, I'm pretty excited about it.  (An anglophile is a person who admires England, its people, and its culture. Calm down.)

Anywho! It's from the gov't body that brings us Dr. Who, Sherlock and Monty Python. Here's to hoping it's just as good.