I swear I watch this stuff so I'll never have to pretend I'm brave enough to try it on my own.

Isenthal is a town in Switzerland, surrounded by GIGANTIC FREAKING MOUNTAINS (that also sounds like it should be in Lord of the Rings). So naturally, someone would want to climb them and jump off of them looking like a flying squirrel. AND have someone film it right behind him.

I get that these guys have practiced for thousands of hours and they're the best in the world. But watching how close he gets to the mountain and it's trees actually gives me vertigo and a stomach ache.

Ya know how long it takes you to get to the top of Mount Beacon? Take that mountain, and stack it on top of itself 4-6 times. I can't get an exact height because I'm not sure what mountain this dude leapt off of, but they're all huge. 6000 feet and higher.

How do you get started with wingsuits, anyways? Start small, leap off of tall trees and swing sets?