When it comes time to buckle down and finally finish that project you've been working on or finally address that task you've been procrastinating upon for months and months, nothing helps quite like a cup of coffee.

I mean, sure, maybe you prefer a Red Bull or a Monster, but when it comes down to it, few things pack the punch that a nice hot cup of coffee offers.

But which coffee offers the best bang for your buck? There are a lot of variants in the coffee world, and there are few items with brands to which people are more loyal--not to mention how picky people are about how they take their coffee. But from a purely caffeine-oriented perspective, which one comes out on top?

Fortunately, we now have a handy resource. CaffeineInformer is a website that gives you the scoop on the caffeine content of any beverage you'd like to research. You can check it out here and fill in any of your favorite drinks, or look at the chart. You can organize it by total caffeine content or caffeine per milligram.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go track down some of this Deathwish Coffee. It's sitting pretty at a nice 660 milligrams/12oz cup (!).