It turns out that buy one get one free deal from Snuggie was too good to be true. According to a press release, the Federal Trade Commission laid the hammer down on the company who sold the 'blanket with sleeves', Allstar Marketing Group. And it turns out there's a local connection.

Allstar is located in Hawthorne in Westchester County and they're now on the hook for $7 million in refunds. They'll be mailing out more than 200,000 checks to customers who were misled, each averaging around $30.

The lawsuit claims that hidden fees were not announced on the commercials and infomercials and people were faced with extra charges. A processing fee for each item was later charged and in some cases, customers would receive two items when only one was ordered. Other products marketed by Allstar include Magic Mesh, Roto Punch, Forever Comfy and Cat's Meow.

If you're wondering if you're going to be getting a refund you can call (877) 982-1294, they'll be mailed out within 60 days.