I'm going to be honest, I have absolutely no idea how to garden. I can hardly take care of myself in any meaningful capacity from day-to-day, so the idea that I would be able to grow and nurture a plant without killing it in the first fifteen minutes is completely out of the question.

I've always wanted to take up something like that, though. I keep telling myself that one day I'll have a garage wherein I actually work on things, I get handy, I learn how to do some things, do some mechanical stuff... You know, generally be productive and use my time in a meaningful way. Until then, I play my PS4.

But Brandi is on the other end of the spectrum; she always has to have a project she's working on. And recently that's become her gardening, and the garden she grows behind the WRRV studios. I hear about this thing so often, and I never actually look at it. But I presume based on the way she talks about it, it has to be this bountiful wonderland of nothing but delicious fully formed and ripened produce.

So I decided to take a gander and maybe figure out a way to make a meal out of some of the fruits of her labor. Go ahead, check it out.