We've all got our hobbies. Yours might even be transportation-related. Maybe you're a fan of building ships-in-bottles. Maybe you like to fly your model airplane or drone all over the place. Maybe you go trainspotting--that's a thing, right? I know it's a movie with Ewan McGregor, but is it a real thing? If it's a thing, it's gotta be an English thing. It feels like an English thing.

But this guy's hobby was much more... involved than any of the aforementioned activities. In fact, he would have been much better off over the course of his life had he spent Saturday evenings listening to NPR and putting the little ship pieces into a glass bottle instead of what he does enjoy doing: stealing public transit vehicles.

He's been arrested for it. Twenty-nine times.

His latest adventure involves a bus, but it's what he said to police during his arrest that's really a point of interest. Check it out below.