Clearly the Duffer brothers, the creators of the "Stranger Things" series, are huge fans of the 80's. Music included.

Let me be clear. This series is my favorite Netflix series of all time. It was scary in a jumpy way, creepy in a don't leave me by myself kind of way, completely engaging with amazing characters, and the pace was freaking perfect. The nostalgia was on point; from big goofy bikes to the Dungeons and Dragons, right into the music. The theme song (the video above) is so damn perfect, it's almost Twin Peaks-ish in how it sticks with you.

The series was only 8 episodes long, but somehow felt just right. There's tons of questions about the whole thing in general, background stuff, but that wasn't the main story. We knew exactly how much we needed to know to finish Will's storyline in the series.

And the music was KILLER! The original score for the series was BONKERS. There's very few series that I can think of that the music had such an effect on me. It was perfectly played, fit the mood and environment amazingly well, and while it was subtle it managed to completely contribute to the vibe and ambiance of the show.

Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein, the creators of the score for the series, are about to make some bank. They're also from the band S U R V I V E, which specialized in retro 80's synth genius.

PS. If you guys haven't caught this series, you're seriously missing out. It's amazing.