If you've ever wanted to watch porn but just didn't have time to actually type, now you can use an emoji to search for something to fill your needs.

This is 2016, and apparently this is what we do as a society now.

Popular pornographic "tube" website (for those who are pretending to not know what Pornhub is or what tube sites are, it's a source for you to stream porn films without having to download or purchase them) is now allowing you to search for porn through emoji, with each category being represented by a different one of the little emoticons.

Send a text to 1-646-760-PORN and you'll receive a link with a porn film in the category you indicated. So you don't need to actually search via the website and can get right to the porn when you're on the subway or whatever, making everyone around you super uncomfortable and possibly getting yourself arrested (can you get arrested for watching porn on the subway? Asking for a friend).

I would love to tell you which emojis correspond to which categories, but unfortunately it involves language that I'm not allowed to use on this very family-friendly website. However, you can find out the details here.