Thanks to the never-ending winter, Punxsutawney Phil is wanted by police in New York.

On Groundhog Day 2018, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, which meant six more weeks of winter. That meant, according to Punxsutawney Phil, winter should have ended on March 16.

Clearly, everyone who lives in the Hudson Valley knows that wasn’t the case. As the local area saw a host of snowstorms after March 16. We even saw snow on multiple occasions in April and a coating to two inches is predicted for Tuesday.

In a playful Facebook post, the Depew Police Department placed winter "under arrest."

“Any further snow you produce will be held against you in a court of law,” the post read. “You have the right to an attorney, but only if you turn in the groundhog that predicted six more weeks of winter. If you are willing to work with us, we are willing to look past your most recent transgressions over the course of this past week. The choice is yours.”

For winter's, Punxsutawney Phil’s and--really--the Hudson Valley’s sake, let’s hope Tuesday’s snow is the last until next winter.

Here are this week's Top 5 news stories from the Hudson Valley