Never underestimate the love we humans have for our friends of other species. Just when you think you've seen the weirdest of crowdsourcing ideas ever, someone comes along with his tortoise in hand to outdo them all.

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

A man in England named Miles Jelfs--the most awesomely English name to come around since Benedict Cumberbatch--noticed his pet tortoise was having some problems with a very sensitive area. Pain of a delicate nature.

Okay, fine. The tortoise basically had a swollen penis. Are you happy now?

So what did he do when he realized he couldn't afford to have the surgery to take care of this problem for his little buddy Cedric? What any enterprising individual does in the year 2014: asked people on the internet to pay for it!

And why not? It worked! Not only did he make enough money to get Cedric's junk taken care of, he made more than double what he asked. Unfortunately, it turns out Cedric will need to have the entire thing removed. But let's not let that get in the way of enjoying the generosity of our fellow man. Good work, team!