I got my kid a kiddie pool this summer. I might just stick to that for awhile.

Mick Fanning was participating in a surfing competition in South Africa, and as he's waiting for a wave, he felt something grab the leash on his surfboard.

Turns out it was a shark, and it didn't stop there. The shark went right for Fanning, who managed to get the hell out of the way and even managed to punch the shark in the back. It looks like he managed to shake the shark off his trail, because he was swimming away for a good 20 seconds before a rescue jet ski showed up to get him out of the water.

Fanning was quoted as saying "I just saw fins. I was waiting for teeth."

I know that surfing professionally comes with the much increased risk of being attacked by a shark. About half of all shark attacks are against surfers. AND the odds of being attacked are really amazingly small.

But that's scary as hell.