I am a Jimmy Eat World fan boy, and I am not ashamed of that fact.

I SWEAR I was just saying the other day how I was really hoping we'd be graced with new Jimmy Eat World music, and here it is! Divine providence!

First off, "Get Right" sounds more like Futures than it does their self titled album. It's a bit more measured, without the almost freneticness you can feel on Jimmy Eat World. That's not to say it's boring. It's more of evenly tempered song. It feels like it has depth, and it saves a lot of it's drama for the late song breakdown right before the final time through the chorus. That portion adds some effects to lead singer Jim Adkins vocals, and kicks in a drone from the lead guitar. It's a perfect counterpoint to the song to that point, really driving home a point.

Even the opening of the song is perfect. It draws you in with the interaction between the instruments. It measures out the rhythm, pulling you along.

It's not a raucous song or even overly energetic, but it will keep your head nodding without being overly aggressive.

Hit the Youtube video for links to purchase it and BUY IT!