MY GOD, I am SICK of that movie. It's freaking everywhere! There were 93 versions of Elsa at my house for Halloween. Talking snowmen dolls, spunky reindeer and whiny little sisters abound! ENOUGH ALREADY! For $#!t$ sake, Disney made an entire season out of "Once Upon A Time" based on this freaking flick, and it's only 18 months old!

We already saw that movie and enjoyed it when it was called "The Lion King".

There's only one way I can think of to actively free our lives from the abysmal menace that is "Frozen". Find the most metally of metal versions of the song and post it on my blog.

*WARNING* This song has a fairly ridiculous amount of screaming and growling. The clean vocals for the chorus are pretty awesome, but this song should not be listened to before bed.
