social media

Stop Pretending Like You’re Going To Quit Social Media
Stop Pretending Like You’re Going To Quit Social Media
Stop Pretending Like You’re Going To Quit Social Media
Stop acting like you're going to quit using Facebook and other social media platforms. We know you'll be back. Nothing gets under my skin more than these noble social media warriors who claim that defriending Tom is the key to happiness.
What is the Social Bandwagon and Are You On Board?
What is the Social Bandwagon and Are You On Board?
What is the Social Bandwagon and Are You On Board?
Pictures or it didn't happen, right? When you go places do you only have one question on your mind? Is it "How many likes will this get on Facebook?" There's a new theory as to why people get out and do things and it's not because of the experiences. scientists believe it may be because people want to brag about their nightlife ad obtain likes on their social media pages.
Can You Be Facebook Friends With Your Co-workers?
Can You Be Facebook Friends With Your Co-workers?
Can You Be Facebook Friends With Your Co-workers?
Can being friends with your co-workers on social media cause issue? When you post anything on social a media is it really private? Of course it isn't but do we really need people at the office knowing all of our personal information?
Fair Game or Lame? Would You Go To Your High School Reunion?
Fair Game or Lame? Would You Go To Your High School Reunion?
Fair Game or Lame? Would You Go To Your High School Reunion?
Is the open bar enough of a reason to go to these things? As my ten year high school reunion approaches I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit hesitant on going. Is it cool to go to these functions or is it super lame?

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