Okay so if you haven't noticed I've been away for a little while...no I wasn't locked up, I was in Italy! I thought i'd be the kind and wonderful person I am and share some of my awesome pictures with you. Now I don't want to bore you with all the food and wine and majestic views but rather a murderous and mysterious portion of my journey.

The Murderer and the Victim!


First...the Murderer...Mt. Vesuvius...


The facts...Mt. Vesuvius is a stratovolcano in the Gulf of Naples. Best known of course for its eruption in AD 79 ...which leads us to the victim...the city of Pompeii.


Now I know you are all familiar with Bastille's song 'Pompeii' and although I have no idea if the too are connected I thought you may enjoy. For those if you who have no idea what Mt. Vesuvius is or Pompeii is click HERE for a quick history lesson. This will show you why one is the Murderer and one is the victim. Essentially (skipping the history lesson for those who dont like to read) Mt. Vesuvius erupted in 79AD and consumed all in it's path.


The most infamous is the city of Pompeii and not just because it was a bustling city wiped off the face of the earth but because in fact it wasn't! The whole city was encased, preserved for thousands of years under volcanic ash and lava. Once the city was found in 1700 something scientists and smart people slowly started digging up the city, bringing it back to life.


It was truly fascinating to see this amazing place restored after being destroyed thousands of years ago! But hey you don't have to take my word for it! Enjoy the pictures and I hope one day you can see this amazing place yourself!