I went to The Price Is Right Live recently and here's what you should expect when it comes to the Hudson Valley.

The longest-running game show, The Price Is Right, is currently on tour with The Price Is Right Live! And you know I had to go to the show. I bought the tickets for about $56 in February 2018 and went to The Palace Theater in Albany for the show. While I didn't get called up on stage to win (and am still distraught about it), I had a blast! Here's what you can expect when it comes to the Hudson Valley this fall:

Expectation: Everyone wears awesome costumes/shirts
Reality: No one wears costumes, some people wear shirts

This was the most disappointing. I wanted people in full blown costume at this show, but that didn't happen. My friends and I got custom shirts made that said 'Girls Gone Plinko' that was super fun, and maybe 15% of the audience had some form of Price Is Right shirt on. So you won't be a weirdo if you have a shirt, but you'll definitely stand out in costume.

Taylor Dickson
Taylor Dickson

Expectation: People are running/sprinting/cartwheeling up to contestant's row/stage
Reality: People run, but they don't get crazy excited like on TV

COME ON DOWN! But really, you just got told to 'Come On Down' for The Price Is Right and you're not pumped!? Where's the excitement people?

Expectation: Bob Barker will rise come out of retirement to host The Price Is Right Live!
Reality: Some dude name Todd hosted the show

Neither Bob Barker or Drew Carey hosted The Price Is Right Live!, which was really sad. This guy Todd Newton hosted the show. Apparently, he's well known in the daytime game show world, but I didn't have a clue who he was. He was a great host though!

Expectation: People lose their s*** when they win a prize on stage
Reality: I lost my s*** when people won a prize on stage, the winners did not

My friends and I literally lost our voices because we were screaming with so much excitement when someone won a trip to Vegas. I mean, this woman won a trip to Vegas and didn't even care. WHAT THE HECK?!

Expectation: They'll play all the classic games AND have the big wheel
Reality: They play all the classic games AND have the big wheel

They really did play all the classic games, like Plinko and Cliffhangers. Don't forget the big Showcase! They did stick true to the games (thankfully).

Expectation: I hope they give away awesome prizes
Reality: They give away awesome prizes

Even if people weren't backflipping over their prize, I still think they gave away some awesome prizes. A newlywed couple won a trip to Hawaii (hello honeymoon!), a woman really did win a trip to Vegas. And for the final showcase, the two contestants had the opportunity to win a trip to New Orleans, Paris, and a new car (the contestant only won the trip to New Orleans though). If you don't win the grand prize on stage, there's a good chance you're leaving with some cash. While you're sitting in your seat, you have the chance to win smaller prizes like an Amazon gift card.