We were wondering why there was a large decorative set of dinosaur bones in this Poughkeepsie home's front yard, so we decided to do some digging.

If you're cruising down Pendell Road near Dutchess Community College, you can't help but notice the nearly 10-foot tall Tyrannosaurus Rex that's intriguing everyone who passes by it.


Why on earth would someone put up a T-Rex wearing a Santa hat and decked out in lights for Christmas decorations? The Pittman family did it for a few simple reasons. Though dinosaurs don't have much to do with Christmas, it's just all in good fun.

"We just moved here and we needed to put something up. We got the T-Rex as a Halloween decoration but we thought we'd bust it out again and just slap some Christmas decorations."

The Pittman family also houses the smallest paleontologist in the Hudson Valley. Their son Noah is obsessed with dinosaurs. The Pittmans knew the dinosaur would turn some heads but they had no idea that people would actually want to continuously stop over and have their picture taken with it.


The Pittmans have assured us that they will have more dinosaurs on display very shortly.