All sorts of insanity that could or should have been lost to history comes triumphantly back thanks to YouTube. The internet is the greatest thing ever.

In this case, we're talking about a public access show from Los Angeles in the early 90s. Before you watch the clips, I will warn you: there is no way you could possibly make any sense of this.

But this is what makes weirdos accessing cameras such a magical event.

One of the biggest public access obsessions of my West Coast tape-trading pals was a show called Unwind with the Sweeties. Two bizarro “fifties/eighties” entities with odd faces attached to wool ski-masks pulled completely over their faces, who called each other “Sweetie.” They did boring and mundane things like go to the mall, the bakery, or sometimes, sitting in their cool junk-infested set, they’d just drift into kooky daydreams, or do nothing at all AND IT WAS AMAZING!

They were shrouded in mystery and we all tried to find out who they were. We really went all out, at least my LA buddies did. But we never found out any information about the Sweeties! Nothing! How perfect is that? Like the Residents in a dada situation comedy.


Without further ado, let's get right to the craziness:




I need a nap.