1999 was a good year for power pop and the lighter side of alternative rock.

When Stroke 9 hit the mainstream airwaves, I was about as excited for this band as I had been for ANY band in the past few years.

Quick little story about when I heard this song for the first time. I was driving on Long Island after hanging out with a few friends at night, and I was listening to a legendary NYC alternative radio station which doesn't exist anymore (I worked there before it crashed and burned. Just saying, name dropping and stuff.) Matt Pinfield, of "120 Minutes" on MTV fame was hosting a show about brand new music, and I caught the second half of this song and lost my mind. I actually pulled over to the side of the road to write down the name of the band and song.

As soon as I got home, I hit the internet and had to buy a version of their album on eBay for twice what it would eventually cost in normal retail, and I enjoyed that album more than almost any in had in 2-3 years.

This is a GREAT throwback, and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I still do.