Smith is the obvious choice for most common name in the state of New York, but here's a look at the rest of the top 20. Did your last name make the list?

There are more than 170,000 Smiths in New York and 4.2 million worldwide. The name means 'descendant of the metal worker'. There are 72,300 Browns in New York, the name has Scottish origins coming from an old adjective meaning 'brown dark red'. The third most popular name in New York Williams, has its origins in medieval England and Wales. has assembled a list of the top 100, you can link up there if you're outside the top 20 and want to find out where you stand.

  1. Smith
  2. Brown
  3. Williams
  4. Johnson
  5. Miller
  6. Jones
  7. Rodriguez
  8. Lee
  9. Davis
  10. Rivera
  11. Thomas
  12. Wilson
  13. Gonzalez
  14. White
  15. Martinez
  16. Garcia
  17. Perez
  18. Martin
  19. Lopez
  20. Lewis

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