The Hobbit is the first book I struggled through. It took me 3 summers to get through completely, starting and restarting, finding my old place and reading up on parts I forgot. It holds a pretty special place in my personal literary pantheon.

I wasn't a huge fan of the fact that they split the book into 3 movies. As a matter of fact, I haven't been to see any of them and I don't think I'll pay to see the 3rd in theaters. The reasons behind that are pretty much what everyone has said about it. Stretching out the story, adding elements that weren't in the book, blah blah blah.

That being said, I'm glad someone took all 3 movies and made a trailer as if all 3 movies were still one single flick. I'd pay DOUBLE to see this movie. This just seems so much more epic and monstrous.

Enjoy this totally unsanctioned, but way more bad ass trailer. Would you guys prefer 1 or stick with the 3 movies?