So this morning on WRRV I was talking about an article I saw on MSN.COM, talking about the 10 Best TV Shows. The premise of the article, two guys (Alan Sepinwall and Matt Zoller Seitz) wrote a book TV (The Book) that ranks the TV shows, ever, by using a point system they came up with.

They ranked the shows based on six categories:

  • innovation,
  • influence
  • consistency
  • performance
  • storytelling
  • and peak or more specifically how great they thought the show was at its best.

When looking at what the authors listed for their Top 10. I was sad to see that Full House, X-Files and Saved By The Bell, were not included in Sepinwall and Zoller Seitz's high honors. When asking the WRRV listeners to text me (845-451-9778) with the TV shows that should have also be included in the Top TV list, here is what just a few of them texted in to say:

  • Travis, "I would have to say LOST would have been if it wasn't for the writers strike screwing it all up. "
  • Kelsey, "A list of best tv shows of all time needs to include Parks and Rec"
  • "It's gotta be the show Friends"
  • Lisa, "Seinfeld"

Here are the Top 5 according to the book, TV (The Book). Do you agree? Disagree? Or have a suggestion?

  1. The Simpsons
  2. The Soprano's
  3. The Wire
  4. Cheers
  5. Breaking Bad