5 Things a Guest Should Never Bring to Thanksgiving Dinner
If you are lucky enough to be invited to a Thanksgiving dinner party this year you should really avoid bringing these 5 items if you want to be invited back next year.
Another Thanksgiving feast is upon us. Though your Thanksgiving table may have fewer chairs this year there's a chance that there still might be the same amount plates. People who host a Thanksgiving party usually spend days preparing for a giant meal. There are so many traditional dishes that are at the table every year around this time. What's your favorite? There's actually an official ranking of of the best Thanksgiving foods.
If you are invited to a gathering on Thanksgiving Day you should be grateful as the the guest list is most likely going to be small this year. If the host asks you to bring something for the party whether it's utensils, cups, ice or food it's important to bring things that are tasteful and fit the theme. You want to make things easier for the host.
If you bring these 5 things to a party you'd better make this year count because there's a good chance you won't get invited back again.