Dwanta Claus and the Rest of the ‘Baywatch’ Cast Suit Up for Christmas
It’s the holiday season, which means cozying up with family to It’s a Wonderful Life for the umpteenth year in a row, or giving and receiving presents from loved ones, or trawling the internet looking for “Happy Holidays!” tweets from your favorite Hollywood celebrities. Yesterday, the cast of the new Baywatch movie, all decked out in seasonally appropriate Santa hats and mistletoe accessories, posted a special Christmas message to their fans, suggesting we all “SACK UP THIS XMAS.”
It’s honestly hard not to look at this ad and not want to bundle them all up in woolly sweaters. We’ve got three of the female leads Alexandra Daddario, Kelly Rohrbach, and Ifenesh Hadera in various forms of the improbably skimpy lifeguard swimsuit, Zac Efron and Dwayne Johnson and all of their many, many abs, and Jon Bass looking like the only one who knew this photoshoot was going to feature snow. The best part, of course, is Priyanka Chopra’s no-way-in-hell-are-you-making-me-wear-a-swimsuit evening gown.
This ad, maybe unintentionally, gives us a simple run-down of all the comedic archetypes being presented in the film. Johnson is, of course, the serious, professional boss figure, while Efron is the newbie bad boy, and the fun-looking girls are, well, The Fun Girls. Since she’s not in a suit, Chopra will probably be The More Serious Girl who learns to lighten up after she happens upon the charms of either Efron or The Rock. Or maybe Bass, who, since he’s been wearing a sweater or a rash guard in every promotional photo, has probably been relegated to The Funny One. He is a comedian, after all.
And is that Steven Seagull from The Shallows I see?
Dwayne Johnson also celebrated the holidays on his personal Twitter and gave himself a new nickname.
Baywatch splashes into theaters May 26, 2017.