It's finally upon us! Bring Me the Horizon have revealed in full their new song "sTraNgeRs" from the upcoming second EP in their Post Human series.

While the song is now arriving for a wide audience, fans at the band's Malta Weekender got a taste of the track earlier this year when frontman Oli Sykes played a bit of the song and led the audience in a sing-along of the chorus during his DJ set.

The singer commented that the song was about "family," later adding, "Right now, we're all a room full of strangers. We don't know each other and it don't fucking matter cause we're all here for the same fucking reason, right?" He then taught the crowd the emo-leaning lines, "We're just a room full of strangers / Looking for something to save us / Alone together."

Speaking today of the song, Sykes adds, “The song came out of a long writing trip in LA, and as soon as the lyric ‘we’re just a room full of strangers’ came it took on such a deeper double meaning - how it would feel to be performing it live as that’s what it is.. all strangers connecting on this mad level.. and that it was like rehab.. Coming out of lockdown and the pandemic, everyone is recovering from something and I’m so aware that so many people struggle daily with differing traumas, and just wanted to stress that they’re not in this alone… and we’re a community here to help each other."

Now a fully realized studio version, the song comes with a rather creepy looking video. The clip was inspired by the band reaching out to members of their community to share their personal mental health journeys and the stories are framed within the narrative of the clip. Check out the video below.

Get a closer look and listen and if you like what you hear, the song is available here. You can also catch the band on tour at these stops.

Bring Me the Horizon, "sTraNgeRs"

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