Turns out there was hidden treasure in the West Point time capsule after all.

A Time Capsule from 1828 Discovered at West Point

Back on August 15th, 2023, the U.S. Military Academy West Point was excited to announce that they came across a sealed lead time capsule that was hidden in the base of the Thaddeus Kosciuszko monument. According to a post on social media, Military Academy officials "determined the capsule was placed in the base of the monument by cadets in 1828."

Finding the time capsule caused quite a stir! Folks from all over were curious as to what could be in the box. Military Medals? Money? Musket Balls? Imaginations were running wild. So, West Point planned a huge unavailing that would be streamed live on August 28th, 2023.

U.S. Military Academy, Instagram
U.S. Military Academy, Instagram

What's in The West Point Time Capsule?!

Initially, the reports stated that the findings of the 1828 time capsule were inconclusive. Basically, it looked like just dirt and dust. They were going to hand over the time capsule to West Point Museum Staff and scientists to sift through the sediment that was in the box.

After a few days, they actually ended up finding some " hidden treasure" buried in the dirt and dust. On the West Point social media accounts they explain that 6 coins and 1 medal were found in the sediment and date back between 1725 to 1828. Here's the breakdown of the coins discovered:

  •  Liberty dollar coin, 1800, 1.564 inches in diameter
  •  50-cent coin, 1828, 1.276 inches in diameter
  •  25-cent coin, 1818, 1.066 inches diameter
  •  10-cent coin, 1827, 0.745 inches in diameter
  •  5-cent coin, 1795, 0.643 inches in diameter
  •  1-cent coin, 1827, 1.114 inches in diameter
  •  Erie Canal commemorative medal 1826, 1.763 inches in diameter.

Watch the video of the reveal below:

In a press release from West Point, they shared that during the live event on Monday, August 28th, the U.S. Military Academy’s Dean of the Academic Board Brig. Gen. Shane Reeves explained just how important this find was stating:

 “This is an incredible story that involves so many of West Point’s heroes and many of them are the Army’s and our nation’s heroes. We should reflect upon and be inspired by our history to pause and realize we have the immense honor and responsibility to continue the legacy that Kosciusko started, and that West Point continues to live up to his vision from so long ago. There is no better opportunity to take a moment and be inspired by our Army and academy’s connection through time that is represented by that capsule and one of our nation’s true heroes.”

If you were to create a 2023 time capsule, what would you put in it and why?

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