Yet another automatic speed enforcement camera has been set up in the Hudson Valley to catch unsuspecting lawbreakers.

Ever since the New York State Department of Transportation was given permission by lawmakers to automatically ticket speeders, we've been tracking where and when these radar cameras have been installed.

The cameras are not in the same place from week to week. Instead, they are moved to dozens of different locations each week to keep drivers on their toes. For now, the state is primarily using the cameras to catch drivers who are speeding near work zones. But, since the entire Hudson Valley seems to be a work zone this time of year, they can literally be anywhere.

Newburgh New York

New York Department of Transportation Announces New Camera Locations

Drivers on I-84 will want to take extra precautions this week to make sure they are following the posted speed limit, especially in areas where road construction is taking place.

The New York State Department of Transportation has set up a new camera at a work zone in Orange County. If the system catches you speeding it will take several images of your vehicle. Once the radar information and photos are verified by an agent, the DOT will send out a ticket to the address of the vehicle's owner.

First-time offenses will result in a $50 fine. A second ticket costs $75 and three or more speeding tickets within a year and a half will earn you a $100 fine. The automated tickets do not affect your insurance rates and will not result in any points against your license.

Newburgh New York

New Automated Speeding Ticket Camera Installed on I-84 Near Newburgh

There will be 19 automated speed enforcement cameras set up across New York State all this week. The cameras will be positioned at work zones in 10 different counties from the Bronx to Syracuse.

In the Hudson Valley, cameras will be pointed at cars on the westbound lane of I-84 between exits 39 and 32. This means that cars traveling west from the Newburgh Beacon Bridge through Stewart Airport could be targeted by the automated ticketing system. Road work is currently underway in the area and the New York State Department of Transportation will be cracking down on speeders who could potentially endanger crewmembers.

The camera will be in operation through Saturday, April 20. A full list of this week's speed camera locations is provided below.

Speed Cameras New York

Most Dangerous Hour, Day, Month To Drive In New York State

We've learned the most dangerous month, day, and hour to drive in New York State. You may want to stay off the roads during these times. 

This Is How Many Driver's License Points Speeding Costs In New York

Here's how many points speeding and other tickets will add to your driver's license.

Gallery Credit: Yasmin Young