If you are like me you may need to shed a few of those summer potato salad pounds. What is it about the mid-summer? Suddenly everything tastes great so you eat it all.

I am actually not writing this about summer foods that add calories. What I am doing is getting ready to reveal a new way to work off a few pounds and have fun doing it all for a great cause.

The Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem New York is Holding an Event

A Wolf
The Wolf Conservation Center

The key to success for me when it comes to shedding a pound or two is to make it about something important or even inspirational. For instance, if a cause or something you enjoy is having a fundraiser, you get to compete to help raise awareness and money.

How to Help Real Wolves

Today I  stumbled onto a page with an awesome event. This fundraiser will keep you walking and you will be helping The Wolf Conservation Center at the same time.

SEE Also: Interesting 5K Runs Near the Hudson Valley

The Wolf Conservation Center is working hard to save and bring awareness to wolves all over the United States.  Race Like a Wolf challenges you to complete 100 miles on foot or 200 on a bike throughout September.

By participating in Race Like a Wolf, you directly impact the conservation of Mexican gray and red wolves across North America. The funds raised will be used for the Wolf Conservation Center’s educational programming, advocacy, research, and recovery efforts, ensuring these species survive and thrive. (The Wolf Conservation Center)


What is the Wolf Conservation Center

Wolf - Booper
Boop The World Wildlife Center,via Facebook

The Wolf Conservation Center is located at 7 Buck Road in South Salem, New York. They are a 501(c)(3) and they work hard to bring awareness to Wolves. They have a wealth of information about what is currently happening with the American Wolf population.

SEE Also: Book a Night to Sleep with the Wolves

Wolf Puppy
Ikal at the Wolf Conservation Center via Facebook

So if you are looking to head into the fall getting in shape and you happen to be a fan of Wolves sign up for the Race Like a Wolf Challenge happening through September 2024. Find out more about the Wolf Conservation Center and how you can get involved by logging out to nywolf.org

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10 Amazing Things You Didn't Know About Gray Wolves

In 2020, voters approved the re-introduction of wolves to Colorado's forests.

Wolves in the Wild

A look at wolves who many would like to protect. Others would live them to shoot them into extinction.

Gallery Credit: Kevin Miller/YOUTUBE