After two patches, Kingdom Come is finally operating at a functional level. With a game this large I expect there to be a lot to fix, but so far I'm satisfied. In this video I show you where to start this side quest and how to achieve it with little doubt.

There are challenges that are outside the quest that you'll encounter like bandits. This was the first successful open world quest I undertook. Up until this point I only did main story quests as those are mostly tutorial based and this game requires a lot of learning. Not just for your character but for the player as well.

This game will require a tremendous amount of grinding and a very long look at the skills tree. It's a bit different than what I'm used to but the more I play the more I understand. Just remember, be patient and give this game a chance, the rules are a bit different but if things didn't change we'd still be playing Super Mario Brothers on an 8 bit system. Be grateful for developers who think outside the box.