May’s Pokemon Go Community Will Feature Charmander
Over the past three months, Pokémon Go Community day as grown substantially. With the nicer weather on it's way the number of Pokémon trainers that attend are expected to increase making a more fun experience for everyone.
The next Community Day event will be on Saturday, May 19th at Dutchess Community College. It starts at 2pm and concludes with an award ceremony at 5:15pm.
The featured Pokémon during May's Community Day is another Kanto starter: the Fire-type Charmander. During the event, Charmander will spawn in much greater numbers than usual. When trainers evolve their Charmander into Charmeleon and then into Charizard before the event ends it will learn an exclusive attack that hasn’t been revealed yet.
If you're planning to attend, please take as many augmented reality photos as you can and get clever with it. Hold your smart phone horizontally and post your photos to The Pokemon Go In The Hudson Valley Facebook page. Some of the photos will be featured on WRRV's website.
The best part of Community day is The Community! Over 100 trainers have been consistently attending and that creates a large group of like minded individuals enjoying the same thing at the same time. Everyone is friendly and willing to help new trainers. Experienced players enjoy the raids since it's easy to gather 20 person raid parties at once. Just follow the Nerd Herd.