Mystery Science Theater 3000 Is Coming Back To New York
In the not-too-distant future, the greatest movie-riffing TV show featuring talking robots of all time is celebrating its 30th anniversary by going on tour. Yes, Mystery Science Theater 3000 is hitting the road once again.
The show did a live tour last year to celebrate the recent Netflix revival (which is great, by the way, in case you haven't watched it because you hate joy or something). Now, they're hitting the road again to celebrate MST3K's 30th anniversary, and they're bringing along the show's original host, Joel Hodgson, along for the ride. He'll be joined by the show's current host, Jonah Ray, and of course, Tom Servo and Crow.
And here's some good news: New Yorkers will actually have two chances to see them. They'll be doing two shows at the Playstation Theater on Sunday, October 14th. The first sees them riffing The Brain, described as a "Canadian science fiction suburban nightmare." The second has them taking on Deathstalker, "a sword and sandal epic with a horrible monster."
Tickets are available at the website. Push the button, Frank.