NYS Rebate Checks in the Mail, Beware Of Scams
If you have been wondering when or if you are going to get a Tax relief check from New York State here is the breakdown.The Family Tax Relief Credit goes to people who had children younger than 17 when they filed their 2012 taxes and a household adjusted gross income of $40,000 to $300,000.
The state is also warning about scams. Some peolple have contacted taxpayers by telephone seeking personal information to "confirm" they are eligible for a rebate. The state said it has received initial reports in central New York of the scam.
Overall, about 4 million checks will go out for both the family rebate and in mid-October a rebate check for the rise in school property taxes — if your district stayed under the property-tax cap this year.
According to the Poughkeepsie Journal, The $350 rebate checks should all hit mailboxes by Friday, the agency said. If you don't get one and think you should, you can check with the agency later in the week to apply for it.