The Patterson Fire Department is the subject of an ongoing investigation after money was discovered unaccounted for in its coffers.

The Patterson Town Board issued a statement last Tuesday acknowledging state and federal authorities are probing financial discrepancies in the department's account. The amount missing is not currently known.

"While the scope of possible improprieties has not been determined, the Town Board is deeply saddened that the actions of a few individuals would cast this dark cloud over the Patterson Fire Department," the Patterson Town Board statement said.

The Patterson Fire Department and the Putnam Lake Fire Department are independent contractors hired to provide fire protection for the 32-square-mile Putnam County town home to 12,000.

"While the Town has very limited authority to oversee the Fire Department's financial activities, the pending investigation was triggered by the insistence of the Town Board that the Patterson Fire Department provide a certified financial audit as required by New York State," the Town Board statement read.

The Patterson Town Board will hold a public hearing at Town Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 13 at 7PM on the municipality's fire protection contracts. The Patterson Fire Department's calendar year 2015 contract has been set at $803,023 and the Putnam Lake Fire Department has been set at $401,900.