There is a recall that may affect what you have in your refrigerator at home. An alert has been posted for Coca-Cola as some of it may be contaminated and mostly affects Coca-Cola sold in some southern states. Many New York residents will travel this Christmas and some of the places on the list may be your destination.

The Holidays are here and the new year begins in just days. No doubt you will be hosting a party or celebrating somewhere like a bar or tavern. Coke is a popular choice for mixers and drinks. But the choice for the toast at midnight will most likely be champagne!

There are two types of people when it comes to soda; those who love Pepsi and those who love Coke. There really is a big difference in taste.

According to reports:

The recall disclosed in a filing apparently began on Nov. 6. It involved 1,557 cases of 12-ounce cans of Sprite, 417 cases of Diet Coke, and 14 cases of Fanta Orange.

Holiday travel will be at an all time high this year and millions will be on the roads and in the skies.

Self-Checkout Policies Changing In These New York State Stores

Here are the latest self-checkout changes and updates from these popular stores across New York State.

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Massive Adirondack Mountain Home For Sale

Gallery Credit: Clay Moden