Footage of a clash between Trump supporters and those who oppose the presidential candidate has surfaced depicting threats of violence.

For the most part, Sunday's Donald Trump rally in Poughkeepsie was a peaceful event, with thousands of supporters and anti-Trump protesters calmly taking to the streets. One flare-up, however, was caught on camera showing Trump critics taunting supporters waiting in line to get into the Mid Hudson Civic Center.

The following video was posted by YouTube user Wedgys and contains excessive graphic and obscene language.

The video shows the exchange take a turn when a Trump supporter threatens to knock out the teeth of one of the protesters. The supporter was held back by others on line and pulled away, all under the watchful eyes of law enforcement, who were guarding the area.

As things continue to heat up, police officers are seen lining up between the supporters and protesters. Later in the video, the two sides clash again in a war of words. As they get in each others' faces law enforcement can be heard over a loudspeaker warning the crowd to "keep it peaceful" and to "calm down." Those warnings, however, only seem to make the crowds grow louder.

The video cuts off there, but most people in attendance say they saw little if any physical confrontations at the rally and credit the heavy police presence for keeping both sides safe and calm.

Did you happen to see any clashes outside the Trump rally yesterday? You're invited to share your own personal experiences on our Facebook page.

Bonus video: