Wait! You Can Actually Report Awful Potholes in New York State?
The snow is beginning to melt and that means only one thing, pothole season! Do you do everything that you can to avoid those little suckers? Or what, can they be called 'tire getters?'
Have you ever had damage done to your car or tires because of a pothole? How can you attempt to fight back, save yourself and potentially other motorists?
Is there anything you (as a driver) can do to report potholes during New York State's Pothole season?
Ah yes, the beloved time of year where motorists go out of their way to get their car or tire swallowed up by the massive holes in the pavement. While sometimes you can go around the massive hole, occasionally you will not be able to and your poor car (and tire) get the worst of it.
So who can you call or write to report those nasty potholes in New York?
While I am sure that at this point in time, someone has probably created an app or a website where you can self-report the big potholes (the ones where there might be a dog or a small child, or even maybe a SmartCar hiding in), if this hasn't been done yet, let's do it.
What is the real method to go about reporting these New York State potholes?
Believe it or not, you can call the New York State Department of Transportation to report those nasty potholes.
Will your call result in that thing actually getting repaired? While the New York State Department of Transportation will get to the repairs as soon as they can, the DOT does need to prioritize the repair need.
What is the phone number to report the awful potholes in New York State?
The phone number to report those potholes is 1-800-POTHOLE (1.800.768.4653) and you can make that report 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week.
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