SUNY New Paltz May Rename Buildings Named After Slave-Owning Families
Some of the buildings in SUNY New Paltz's Hasbrouck complex may be getting renamed. The college is conducting a review to decide, because the buildings happen to be named after families that owned slaves.
The review is going to be overseen by the college's Diversity and Inclusion council and the objections raised by some students will be taken into account.
According to SUNY New Paltz president Donald Christian, now is the right time to have this discussion. He believes the issue has not been addressed fully and openly and that it is part of a national discussion about the removal of Confederate monuments that "commemorate or memorialize the era of slavery in America."
There has actually been an online campaign to rename the Hasbrouck dining hall in the first place - it calls to rename it after Darold Thompson, a New Paltz graduate and food service employee who died recently. While Christian says that specific request can't be honored, he wanted to use it as a springboard to have a conversation that had been on his mind for a while.
The council has to issue their report by April 15, 2018. Do you think they should rename the buildings?