
3 New Paltz Students Find $40,000
3 New Paltz Students Find $40,000
3 New Paltz Students Find $40,000
3 Suny New Paltz students were recently confronted with the ultimate moral dilemma after finding $40,000 in cash in the couch they just purchased from the Salvation Army. Return the money or spend it?  According to WABC TV the students did the right thing by tracking down the rightful owner...
Spending that Holiday Cash
Spending that Holiday Cash
Spending that Holiday Cash
The holidays are over and it's time to start looking into all that cash and all those gift cards you got (hopefully) from people who had no idea what to get you. I don't know about anyone else but every bit of money or gift card I get I see as money I wasn't expecting to have and I should spend it frivolously on things I wouldn't normally buy...