If you travel a lot, you are going to want to know about Juice Jacking and how it can affect your personal data. Tip, it has nothing to do with people stealing your smoothie
Not sure about you but I find myself getting confused on the difference between a lithium battery and the ones I put in the smoke detector, which ones can you put in the trash?
Did you panic (like I totally did) when your iPhone wallpaper suddenly disappeared, and your screen went blank? Here's how to fix it, I mean trick it into working again.
Have a few phones lying around that don't work anymore? You could try to get credit for them when you get your next phone or simply bring them to one of these places:
Imagine that one day you wake up and your levitating, projectile vomiting and speaking a foreign language while your head is rotating 360 degrees. You don't need to go to WebMD to look up the symptoms. You're most likely possessed by a demon or evil entity.