
Prom It Forward
Prom It Forward
Prom It Forward
It's that time for one of WRRV's traditions: Prom It Forward. Help out someone in your community by giving yourself some room to breathe! And there's a pretty great prize in it for you, too.
The Weed Fairy Leaving Gifts Across Seattle?
The Weed Fairy Leaving Gifts Across Seattle?
The Weed Fairy Leaving Gifts Across Seattle?
Well, if this isn't a modern day Johnny Appleseed: A woman who calls herself the "Weed Fairy" distributed free nuggets of marijuana to people in Seattle over the weekend, taping the free pot on fliers around a city neighbourhood. The woman, 23-year-old Yeni Sleidi, says she does it to amuse people and to give them a break from everyday stress...
The BEST Charity Idea
The BEST Charity Idea
The BEST Charity Idea
Hey, who doesn't love making a difference in the world and helping people in need? And who doesn't love fun? Aside from my elementary school gym teacher, anyway. Here's a way to do both! Some enterprising individuals have found a way to let us all have a good day:   That's right: helping underprivileged kids in South Central Los Angeles through the A Place Called Home charity AND getting Goodyear