Maple Syrup, Cocktails and Cockroaches: HHNC Events in CornwallMaple Syrup, Cocktails and Cockroaches: HHNC Events in CornwallWhere can you find maple syrup, a cocktail party under the stars and the most unusual Valentines gift?Paty QuynPaty Quyn
New Sign Leads People to Nature Center for Fall FunNew Sign Leads People to Nature Center for Fall FunHudson Highlands Nature Center has a new road sing and lots to do this Fall in the Hudson.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Local Fire Departments Stomp Out Black Rock Forest FireLocal Fire Departments Stomp Out Black Rock Forest FireMultiple agencies assisted in putting out the Fire at a building in the Black Rock Forest.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Scenic Road Still Closed In New York After Fluke StormScenic Road Still Closed In New York After Fluke StormOne year after the fluke storm that washed out roads everywhere in the Hudson Valley Route 218 is still closed.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
The Highest Elevation You Can Hike in Orange CountyThe Highest Elevation You Can Hike in Orange CountyI bet you didn't know that this trail has the highest elevation in Orange County New York.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Discover The Secrets Of Maple Sugar Making In The Hudson ValleyDiscover The Secrets Of Maple Sugar Making In The Hudson ValleyWant to see where maple syrup comes from in the Hudson Valley?Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Nature Center in NY Sadden by the Death of its Owl AmbassadorNature Center in NY Sadden by the Death of its Owl AmbassadorHudson Highlands Nature Center shared the sad news that one of its long time animal ambassadors has died.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Hudson Valley Nature Center Offers a Unique Look at the StarsHudson Valley Nature Center Offers a Unique Look at the StarsLearn about the stars at an event Happening in January at the Hudson Highlands Nature Center in Cornwall, New York.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Watch How a Bobcat Loses His Deer in Cornwall, New YorkWatch How a Bobcat Loses His Deer in Cornwall, New YorkHuman Hunters aren't the only thing taking down deer in the Black Rock Forest during Hunting Season.Paty QuynPaty Quyn
Details Still Emerging From Hazardous Road Closure In CornwallDetails Still Emerging From Hazardous Road Closure In CornwallRoute 218 Remains Closed between Cornwall and West Point for the foreseeable future.Paty QuynPaty Quyn