
Chili Peppers Guitarist Gets Bowie Tattoo
Chili Peppers Guitarist Gets Bowie Tattoo
Chili Peppers Guitarist Gets Bowie Tattoo
The lead guitarist of the Chili Peppers has found a way to permanently honor his musical heroes memory. Michael Balzary better known as Flea to Peppers fans got tatted up this week (and yes I said tatted up) to honor musical legend David Bowie...
Chili Pepper Turned Author?
Chili Pepper Turned Author?
Chili Pepper Turned Author?
Thats right folks! Chili Peppers bass guitarist Flea has announced his memoir! The musician says he's writing the book with no assitance and although I'm shocked the shirtless rocker is doing this deed with no help he's bound and determined saying...