Ulster County Sail Boat Capsizes in New York’s Hudson RiverUlster County Sail Boat Capsizes in New York’s Hudson RiverThe Ulster County Sherriff's water rescue teams had a busy day on the Hudson River on Monday.CJ McIntyreCJ McIntyre
Boat Rescue on New York’s Hudson River After Engine FailureBoat Rescue on New York’s Hudson River After Engine FailureA "Vessel in Distress" call was received by Ulster County 911 back on Wednesday May 24th and area first responders jumped into action.CJ McIntyreCJ McIntyre
Dutchess County Boaters: Required Pre-Season Class Info for 2023Dutchess County Boaters: Required Pre-Season Class Info for 2023Who needs to take the boating certification class before they hit the water this year, might surprise you. Who needs to take the class and where can you take it? BrandiBrandi
Carbon-Neutral Schooner Uses the Hudson River ‘Superhighway’ to Ship LocalCarbon-Neutral Schooner Uses the Hudson River ‘Superhighway’ to Ship LocalThe Schooner Apollonia will be making deliveries for local Hudson Valley businesses up and down the Hudson River again this year.Paty QuynPaty Quyn