led zeppelin

Zeppelin Releases New ‘Whole Lotta Love’ Video
Zeppelin Releases New ‘Whole Lotta Love’ Video
Zeppelin Releases New ‘Whole Lotta Love’ Video
I know Zeppelin may be more of a "Classic" rock band at this point but in my book the band still deserves a hat tilt and i just had to share some exciting news. Check out the above video, a NEW music video for the bands hit 'Whole Lotta Love'...
Ever wanted to visit your favorite album cover?
Ever wanted to visit your favorite album cover?
Ever wanted to visit your favorite album cover?
Some of the most legendary album covers have been a simple shot of a location, a capturing of a specific moment in a specific place: The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti, even the street corner on the cover of the Beastie Boys' Paul's Boutique: Well, thanks to some savvy folks over at The Guardian (and some help from Google Street View), here's your chance...