
Does President Trump Know How to Eat Pizza?
Does President Trump Know How to Eat Pizza?
Does President Trump Know How to Eat Pizza?
You'd think that being a native New Yorker, President Trump would both know and endorse how to eat a pizza the right way. The 45th President of The United States, Donald J. Trump is no stranger to controversy. Decades of fame and being in the public eye are sure to bring a lot of attention but this could be one of the most scandalous things to resurface yet.
Where Can I Get the Best Covfefe in the Hudson Valley?
Where Can I Get the Best Covfefe in the Hudson Valley?
Where Can I Get the Best Covfefe in the Hudson Valley?
Where Can I Get the Best Covfefe in the Hudson Valley? After the tweet that shook the world I think It's a legitimate question. Aside from calling the president himself, I decided to take matters into my own hands and find out what "covfefe" was myself.